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Christian Home Education Fellowship of Alabama
Post Office Box 20208
Montgomery, AL 36120
God has called Christian Home Education Fellowship of Alabama to encourage private home schooling from the Christian perspective. To that end, we adopted the purposes listed below. All of our activities are designed to enable us to accomplish these purposes. Here is a description of our main purposes and activities:

Promote home education in Alabama from the Christian perspective, with emphasis on family values. We believe home education is essential to building strong families. We also believe that all knowledge must be understood from the perspective of the Bible and Christian principles. Our various activities to promote home education will encourage home educators responding to the call of God to educate their children from a Christian point of view.

Present conventions and seminars for Alabama home educators and local home education leaders across the state. We host the annual state convention, regional one-day conferences in various locations around the state, and two one-day conferences for church school administrators and support group leaders.

Protect rights of Alabama home educators by working to keep home education legal and safe in Alabama and the United States. We stay up to date on legal issues, matters of legislation in Montgomery and in Washington DC, and important events affecting home schooling.

Provide assistance in establishing home education church schools and support groups across the state. We work with local leaders across Alabama to help them establish legal church schools that are compliant with Alabama law and most effective for facilitating home schooling under the church school law. Our information is free and easy to follow.

Publish information on various aspects of home education in Alabama from the Christian perspective. Through this website and planned printed publications CHEF will work to keep home educators in Alabama informed of developments in the area of home education, and provide resources for home educators and home education leaders.

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