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Covenant of Peace Church
Sylvia Devine
926 Weatherly Rd
Huntsville, AL 35803
Covenant Christian Academy is a ministry of Covenant of Peace Church, whose pastors, along with the school superintendent and School Board, form the governing body of the school.

The school provides training, support, and guidance to qualified home schooling parents. Its goal is to provide those resources and activities necessary to assist parents in achieving for their children a balanced education with emphasis on character, excellence, and creativity.

School parents have made themselves accountable to trained and experienced teachers in order to achieve the above goal. The school provides a twelve-month program which requires a minimum of 180 days of documented planning and instruction.

The teachers in the school are the parents, who assume the primary responsibility for the education of their children. The parents purchase a curriculum which is recommended by the school staff. Each family is assigned to a home school coordinator, who will supervise several teams of school families. Parents are accountable to the school to maintain attendance records, as well as lesson plans and/or a daily journal, which are reviewed on a periodic basis by the coordinator.

Parents also set academic and spiritual goals for their children and submit report cards twice a year reflecting each child's progress.

Covenant Christian Academy requires the following of families seeking admission:

Both parents must be Christians.

Both should be faithful, active members in a church which has the Bible as its basic textbook for life.

The mother should not be employed full-time outside the home.

Agreement must be reached by both parents that home education is the best choice for their family for the upcoming year.

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