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Foothills Accountability Association
Kimberly Williams
PO Box 351
Seneca, SC 29679
Mission Statement/Philosophy
Foothills Accountability Association was formed in 1996 as a service to the Christian homeschooling community, and although a statement of faith is not required, all homeschoolers are welcome as long as our requirements are met. We believe that we are accountable to God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit and each other, to fulfill our homeschooling responsibilities as required by law, and to represent the homeschooling community in a honorable, positive and appropriate manner, that uplifts and benefits all homeschoolers. All curriculums and methods of homeschooling are encouraged and welcome as long as schooling is performed in a reasonable and diligent fashion.

Membership Costs

-$30 per family, per year.
-Additional $20 fee for each Senior registered.
-Additional $5 per student fee for high school students.
-We accept check, money order, or cash. Checks must be made out to "Kim Williams".
-Membership fees are discounted $10.00 for TCHE support group members.

Membership Deadlines
-Membership is open until January 15th, with no late fees or discounts for joining later in the year.
We will accept veteran homeschoolers tranferring from other states or districts year round

To be a member in good standing, all Foothills members must meet the following requirements:
Parents must follow all requirements as listed in SC Law Section 59-65-47:
-Parent must hold at least a high school diploma or GED.
-Instructional year is at least, but not limited to, 180 days.
-Curriculum includes, but is not limited to, the basic instructional areas of reading,
writing, math, science, and social studies (literature and composition in grades 7-12)

-Educational records must be maintained by the parent and include:
A planbook, diary, or other written record indicating subjects taught and activities engaged
in, a portfolio of work samples of the student’s academic work, and a twice-yearly progress/grade
report including attendance records and documentation of the student's academic progress in each of
the subjects listed above.

Additionally, Foothills requires that the 180 instructional days be completed
school year on June 1, if you so desire, but the 180 days must be completed by May 31.

Members new to Foothills must attend a MANDATORY orientation meeting, which will, in part, assist them in the recordkeeping documentation that all members are expected to maintain. The new member will be notified of the meeting time by mail.

All parents or their representative must attend TWO MANDATORY checkoff meetings per year, one in January and one in May, bringing the records they have kept for their homeschool as outlined above. This is called a "checkoff meeting" and is our interpretation of mutual, Biblical accountability outlined in our mission statement. Checkoff meetings also serve as a fellowship time with other homeschoolers, and sometimes incorporates helpful, optional workshops designed to encourage and support our member families.

Membership includes workshops, a newsletter, membership card, college scholarship filing at no additional cost, and a curriculum lending library available on a limited-as available basis.

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