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Public Homeschool Meeting

Saturday, October 26, 2019
Irvine, California

Our Road to Romance

A Christian Homeschoolers' Love Story

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UCHE Academy
Dr. Lisa Dunne
Roseville, CA
UCHE is an interdenominational support system of parents, professors, and pastors from 35 churches. We desire to foster a lifelong love of learning and an appreciation for the arts in the context of church and culture, helping to equip the next generation of leaders to excel in the home, the church, and the marketplace. We serve K-12 Christian homeschool students and families, creating community, enhancing skills, and building kingdom.

UCHE offers a wide range of flexible and affordable academic and elective support from choir to chemistry, astronomy to apologetics, readers' theater to robotic engineering. Join us for one class or for a full day of classes. Our flexible program is designed to partner with you in your homeschool journey.

UCHE believes in a holistic, hands-on model of education. Modern culture segregates ages in every sphere of life, from church to classroom to community--pushing toddlers in one direction and grandparents in another. In this selective segregation, we are often robbed of the rich fellowship of intergenerational mentoring and apprenticeship. Ephesians, Deuteronomy, Timothy, and Titus provide wonderful pictures of family discipleship, and yet many parents do not realize that God has equipped them to train up their children. Instead, they pass the baton to coaches, teachers, youth pastors, and community leaders. UCHE reverses that mindset by coming alongside parents, creating a parent-directed model of education that supports the parent as the primary influence and gatekeeper in the child's life.

In a broken, hurting world, there is a clarion call for parents to raise up a generation of godly children who will shape culture. Out of the overflow of our hearts and our homes, we can pour into the hurting generation around us, to restore the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to the fathers. The Great Commission begins at home.

Teach, train, and be transformed. Savor the privilege of parenting. Join a UCHE community near you!

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