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Saturday, October 26, 2019
Irvine, California

Our Road to Romance

A Christian Homeschoolers' Love Story

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Homeschool Search: REACH-East
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P.O. Box 40127
Bellevue, WA 98015
REACH East is a nondenominational Christian home-school support group serving Seattle's Eastside communities, including Bellevue, Issaquah, Redmond, Kirkland, and Renton.

REACH East is a distinctively Christian support group that provides encouragement to those choosing to home-school their children in obedience to the Lord through a Christian world view. REACH East has 100+ member families and a highly organized program of meetings and activities.

REACH East sponsors monthly meetings from September through May, with speakers to motivate and instruct parents in their role as Christian teachers. A lending library containing home-schooling books, tapes, and videos is available to assist members. The monthly newsletter, REACH Out, has feature articles on topics relative to home-schooling.

Activities for Kids In addition to educating parents, we provide a forum for home-school students to display their work. The annual Science Fair, Liberal Arts Fair, Spelling Bee, and Geography Bee are a few eagerly anticipated REACH sponsored events. Field trips are the cornerstone of REACH activities and each month a complete listing is published in the newsletter. In recent months our members have toured Northwest Trek, the Seattle Times, Greenbank Farms, and the Seattle Aquarium. Group rates are sometimes available for activities such as Wild Waves and Soundbridge.

In addition to the monthly meetings and newsletter, REACH has offered its members many significant extras. Some of these have been: annual testing, telephone directory, prayer/legislative phone tree, HSLDA group discount, and God's World/World Magazine group discounts.

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