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Public Homeschool Meeting

Saturday, October 26, 2019
Irvine, California

Our Road to Romance

A Christian Homeschoolers' Love Story

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GRACE Christian Homeschoolers
Valerie Ecton
Eagle, WI
Growing Relationships and Christian Education (G.R.A.C.E.) Christian Homeschoolers of Wisconsin is an organization set up to provide moral support, informal sharing, and opportunities for fun, fellowship and the building of relationships with other families to Christian homeschool families in the southeastern Wisconsin area. It is our intention to represent the home schooling community in a manner that honors and glorifies our Lord Jesus Christ.

GRACE Christian Homeschoolers hold monthly gatherings on one Thursday morning per month called CLASS Day. A variety of CLASS Day activities are planned by the members and vary from guest speakers, to holiday parties, to game days, to a science fair and talent show!

GRACE Christian Homeschoolers offer the opportunity to attend many events and classes within the community.

Members of GRACE Christian Homeschoolers take an active part in planning a wide variety of field trips for the group to enjoy.

GRACE Christian Homeschoolers look for opportunities to teach our children about having a servant's heart in our homes and in our communities and organize service projects.

Social gatherings are a fun part of GRACE Christian Homeschoolers. There are Mom's Only Tea and Treats Nights and Bible studies every other week, weekly summer park days, and our entire families enjoy getting together for barbecues at summer's beginning and end!

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