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Train Them Up Ministries
Walt & Tammy Mansfield
7594 County Road 91
Lewistown, OH 43333
937 441 0630
Train Them Up Ministries (TTU) derives its name and mission from Proverbs 22:6. TTU offers mentoring for beginning homeschool families and serves as a contact for existing homeschool families. Other services include field trips, co-op classes, tutoring, transcript information, information on starting and maintaining a homeschool (DVD's, printed info, one on one meetings with families), help with special needs students and more.

Tammy is a Certified Public School Teacher and a homeschool mom. Homeschool Narratives are offered by appt. Fee is $30 for one student and $50 total for more than one.

TTU cooperates with Home Instructed Students (HIS), a Logan County Ohio homeschool support group.

TTU began in 2005 and has mentored several new families to begin their homeschool adventure.

Walt is a Pastor. Tammy works with Special Needs students at a dedicated facility. They have been homeschool parents for 16 years. All four of their children have graduated and gone on to college. Their two daughters are Ohio State University graduates (2013) while their twin boys are entering their 2nd year at a nearby college.

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